Posts Tagged ‘wedding’

married life

April 12, 2011

As of today, it’s been a month I’ve been married. And its also been a month since I’ve posted anything. Sorry.

I didn’t realize how crazy busy I’d be with the whole wedding preparation and mind set! But it’s all done and I’m so pleased with the outcome.

I ended up having card memo’s pin boards as my guest book. And was extremely happy that many did fill the cards out. Loved all the wonderful messages that were given.

Everyone enjoyed the food, music, dance presentation and the deco! I’m so pleased with myself! And gave a pat on my back.

Now being married for a month, I haven’t felt like a wife yet. Maybe as were both in our honeymoon stage.

I’ll post more updates now that I’m more free to do so. Till the next entry, have a pleasant week! (:

who sits where

January 21, 2011

I’m having so much fun, planning for my own wedding. Needless to say there have been a few or plenty of hurdles I had to jump over, but I am now too remain calm and collected and hope for the best.

My wedding is in March, and I just got approval for reservations of the hall I’m having my reception at. And now I’m panicking, cause I have to come up with a floor plan to provide both my caterer and emcee. All this by tomorrow afternoon.

I am so grateful for internet. Started googling for floor plans/seating arrangement tools I could use to speed up this process. Found one site, which provided me all that in 1,

Also its great cause once you’ve laid out the floor plan. You can just go ahead and enter in the seating arrangements for your guest.

Ba-da-Bing! All done. Time to relax. Soon to be brides, shall not stress!